Once again it was time for another Rowdy High reunion. The boys and girls on the committee had been planning this thing for months. And the day of fruition came to pass March 25, 2006.
I got to see old friends. Steve Barton, now known to me as Steverino, who was gracious and hospitable as usual. At the end of the gala Steverino appeared to have had a few too many Long Island Iced Teas. He was sweating profusely and his hair was standing on end, like he had put his finger in an electric socket. [ don't try this at home ]
Slippery Nelson "made the scene" around eightish. He and I were in the "Band on the Run" back inna day at Rowdy High, and we talked about some old tunes-some we remembered but most we didn't. Brian Claxton joined in on the discussion as well. And we found out Brian has been ignoring his physical regimen lately.
And me and Slippery talked about the Pond. He was worried about my mid-life crisis, but I told him I was fine. He is agonizing over leaving his job after 29 years. Good luck, Slippery. It ain't easy finding a job these days when you're in yer 50's, so be careful. [ editor comment: It's a sad forking day when 50 year olds are shooed out to pasture and have to take demeaning jobs, because they are perceived as pieces of excrement scraped off one's shoes ]
I saw Bogus Bob, my friend from kindergarten. If you search the "Pond Archives" you will find a story about my childhood chum. He being 5 and I being 4. Bogie sang a few songs with "Donny and the DJ's" and hit all the high notes on "Can't You See?" ye olde tune from Marshall Tucker Band. [ editor's note: saw them in concert circa 1973 and it was the loudest concert I have ever been to, the decibels clearly outdistancing a jet airplane ]
Altho' Bogie has zero hairs on the top of his head, he seems to have resigned himself to his fate. We also talked about our children and when the next poker game would be. Nickel?
Fellow Rowdy High Alum, Donna Sosby left early, unbeknownst to the legion of Rowdians that she was suffering from a kydney stone. Get well soon, e mail buddy. Shirley, it will pass. [ editor note: pun is left to the discretion of the reader ]
The Harper twins were there, Alan and David, and they always play the "who is whom" game with each person they encounter. Me, I've never had a problem deciphering each's identity. Alan and David know everyone who ever went to Rowdy High including MILF Jackie Satterwhite's mom. [ editor's note: this scenario was true 40 years ago-may not apply today ]
David played guitar at the shindig and did a lovely job on "Here Comes the Sun," a fab tune from George Harrison. And Alan, allah Paul Mac, is strictly the bass player.
Good job fellas and good luck with your back, Alan. And apologies to Sam Whitehead and Howell Keown, the rest of the band.
I saw many other old friends. There was Sam Ahern, the CEO of a major hospital; David Englett, who laughed at all of my attempts at humour; Patsy King, a neighbor of mine two houses down in the old neighborhood; Charlene and Tim Peavy, who could be the poster boy for Rogaine. The boy has all his hair and then some.
Then there was Charlene Craig Nighswinder, Bogie's sister; David, the Wrightman, who was gracious and really enjoys himself at these things; Billy Evans; Renee Fowler; Landy Watkins; Chris Tackett; Ron Trimble; Danny McGriff; Gary Thomas; Vicki Ludwig Whitehead; Bobby White; Steve Watts; Eddie Murphy; the list goes on and on.
We had a ball just like Bogie and Bacall. Rowdy High forever, eh? And thanks and kudos go out to all who put in the work to make it happen. A splendid time was guaranteed for all; and they pulled it off.
P.S. I can't forget Renee Rudin, who was having a good time, and loaned me a coppola Virginia Slims. Just a silly millimeter longer, eh? And Cathy Magness, who is now a major star in church plays. Next stop: Hollywood?"

Thanks for the recap, Harry, and your kind remarks. You've always been a keen observer, if not a keen interpreter, of your surroundings. Keep up the good work!
David Harper
My dearest Harry
Did not know you were so talented.
Enjoyed my morning coffee with all the back issures of your "Golden Pond"
Thanks for the reunion recap and the p.s.
Enjoy the journey.
Your forever friend,
Renee Rudin
It's nice to know that some things never change. And you, my friend are definitely "Still crazy after all these years" to quote Paul Simon. Don't ever change.
Alan Harper
Enjoyed reading that. And I will take your advice to be careful
with my decision, at work.
Also enjoyed talking to you again.
Take Care,
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