Thanks to all who responded to the "Rowdy High Reunion" piece. Because the editor of "The Pond" has been in mid-life crisis mode lately, he has found it difficult to write his forays into the infantile. Plus, where's the time?
Some moments I failed to mention in the last one:
1) Renee Rudin saying: "Who are all these old people?" She even limbered up her body with outstretched legs to show Alan an exercise for his back. Because she had had a few too many mai tais, she found herself in an awkward situation with a chair.
2) David Harper: My fav Beatles tune: "Here Comes the Sun!"
Alan Harper: My fav Beatles tune: "Hello, Goodbye!" which he thought was the quintessential Fab 4 tune. No disagreement here.
Sammy Whitehead: My fav Beatles tune: "In My Life!" [ this song appears in a recent episode-consult the archives! }
Yours truly: My fav Beatles tune is "I Am The Walrus!"
Sammy Whitehead: "You're joking?"
Yours Truly: "I am the eggman." [ "Man you should have seen 'em kicking Edgar Alan Poe" ]
3) Vicki Ludwig is a clutterer. I suggested "Clutterer's Anonymous" for her malady, and everyone thought I was joking, but my liberal sis, who resides in windy San Francisco, has been a charter member for years.
And Vicki's dog has his/her own apartment.
4) Chris Tackett's favorite teacher was Miss Spencer, who was affectionately known as "Turkey." Yes, she resembled one, because of the way she walked [ one leg turned inward [ pigeon toed ]] and that little wisp of hair above her forehead. Wonder what happened to her? She used to call me Chawls [ Charles ] when I decided to go by my middle name. She and I had a rowdy relationship, but I'd love to see her. And whatever happened to Miss Stephens?
5) I had a brief chat with Billy Evans, ex-proprietor of the Fulton Family Forum. He knew my liberal sister back inna day of 1963. And we talked about Shirley Black, another '63 alum, who I have engaged in e mail over the last year, even tho' she doesn't remember me, only that her friend, my sis, had a brother. She now lives in Hawaii and grows "fulofdandriffs." [ a type of flower ] Shirley told me that she and Billy were best buds at the beginning of the 60's decade.
Shirley, there were other memories from my perspective, but it's getting late, and my boss has been a prick lately, so I need my beauty sleep. I told him off the other day, and he is now treating the catfish with more respect.
Thanks again for the kind comments from those who responded. We had a ball-just like Bogie and Bacall, v.c.
P.S. Thanks to my buddy, Slippery, who happens to be an avid reader of my dysfunctional column. Too bad Keith Burke; Edward "All" [ Oil ] Morris; Keith Richardson; Rene Bowen; and all the good looking dames from back in the day decided NOT to attend. What were they thinking? Eh?
P.S.S. Maybe Kitty, my wife of umpteen years, will accompany me to the next "Rowdy High Reunion."

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