Saturday, May 07, 2005

Mr. Wrestling 2. And whatever happened to Mr. Wrestling 1. P.S. All of this talk about professional wrestling jogged my memory about an event that happened at KOTV in the late 70's.
It must have been a slow day, so I invited a popular wrestler at the time to the studio for an interview. He, was "Mister Wrestling 2", allegedly Lillian Carter's favorite wrestler, I might add. His schtick was getting his brains beat out of him for 90% of the match, only to rally for a thrilling, come from behind win.
"2" also wore a mask.

So I invited him to KOTV for an on-camera interview and he shows up in a three piece suit, AND his mask! This is at one o'clock in the afternoon.
The station receptionist immediately thinks the station is about to be held up. When I walked out to the lobby to greet "2", the receptionist was trying to call the newsroom to get Clayton to come out to help her (like he was going to prevent a hold up!)
Anyhow, after settling things down, "2" and I engaged in what became an eminently forgettable interview. And he leaves the station, still in the suit and mask.
As he leaves the station, traffic is flowing outside of KOTV on Frankfort. Distracted by the sight of a guy in a suit and elastic underwear on his head, one car actually plowed into a parking meter in front of the station.
I don't recall having any other wrestlers stop by KOTV after that. Although, I do remember a classic match at the Tulsa Civic Center when Skandar Akbar lit Haystacks Calhoun's beard on fire. But that will have to be another day.
 Posted by Hello

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