Monday, May 02, 2005

This picture was too good to pass up. The one where the server ( waitress at a coffee shop ) pours a pound of sugar into Dirty Harry's vanilla latte. See Starbucks. Little does our hero know-he's absorbed in his paper -a gang of goons is robbing the diner. When Harry realizes the snafu, he returns with his friends, Smith and Wesson, to complain for the botched latte. Hilarious hijinks ensue as Harry makes mincemeat out of the thugs. Make my day, v.c.  Posted by Hello


Hoots said...

Yo, Cat,
In case you haven't heard about it (I hadn't) there is a trend to home editing of movies. As long as the results aren't sold for profit, it's legally okay - especially now, since the president has signed into law something about "Family Movies" so fussy parents can snuff out bad words and T&A scenes so tender young minds can remain ignorant in their tenderness.

Aho's software, when installed onto a DVD player, makes the player mute or skip ahead when something objectionable happens in a movie. (The software isn't smart enough to recognize curse words or violence; Aho employs teams of editors who watch movies, find the objectionable bits and program a movie-specific filter to excise the bad stuff frame by frame.) Aho successfully lobbied to create the Family Movie Act after billionaire director Steven Spielberg, Robert Redford, Steven Soderbergh, 13 other famed Hollywood directors and eight large studios sued ClearPlay in U.S. District Court in Denver, claiming its software violated copyright laws. The new law is a direct blow to them.

You could have a ball with that kind of toy.

vietnamcatfish said...

Back in the day at Truck U. I had a class in creative film making. I loved it. For the final exam we split up into 5 groups and each "team" made a short 16 mm film. We had to edit it-the whole 9 yards. I starred in it along with a gorgeous red head from the class. Talk about fun. It was a tale of teenaged angst. ( so we were ahead of our time ) The wide angle shot of our heroine holding a snub nose 38 was reminiscent of "Citizen Kane." My kids are too old now to edit the T&A and bad words. But it is an interesting concept. P.S. Golden Pond just turned 2000. When will you hit 10,000. You have left me in the dust. v.c.