Here's hoping everyone is waiting with baited breath for the next installment of G.P., er, here's hoping everyone had a Merry Christmas. I noticed the venerable Chick-Fil-A wasn't afraid to advertise the greeting on their outdoor message boards. Good for them! I wonder how many people were offended. Who cares! I don't.
I have a hard enough time listening to drivel from my co-horts at work and at play. Sometimes you want to tell people to "shut the fuck up, will ya?" How's that for Christmas candor?
I know of one person who talks incessantly, only ceasing to inhale breaths of air.
On a dissimilar vein I have been listening to an "oldies" station based in Griffin, Ga. 88.9 FM. Songs from the 60's and 70's. Some I haven't heard in many moons. Presented tonight for your listening pleasure is this one. Dig the 60'sish sound of the organ.
Farewell and adieu, v.c.
P.S. I love you! People!
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
"Christmas-Only One More Shopping Day, eh?"
The next-to-the-last Christmas song of the season features the delightful Olivia Newton-John.
Speaking of the aforementioned:
Speaking of the aforementioned:
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
More Cowbell
I haven't heard this song in a minute. But it embodies the 60's and is a forgotten tune from the era. The band was originally called Chicago Transit Authority but Mayor Daly and his staff deemed the name to be ill-fitting and, thus, they were required to change the name. They dropped Transit Authority and settled on "Chicago."
And the Christmas song:
Thursday, December 20, 2007
"Those SOB's Will Never Embarrass Me Again"
While putting together the montage from Texas circa 1963 I ran across this.
The night before the Kennedy assassination, Lyndon Baines Johnson met with Dallas tycoons, FBI moguls and organized crime kingpins - emerging from the conference to tell his mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown that "those SOB's" would never embarrass him again. It's a jaw-dropping deposition and it's the biggest JFK smoking gun there is - despite the fact that it has received little media attention.
Before her death on June 22 2002, prolific author and lecturer Robert Gaylon Ross had the opportunity to conduct an 80 minute sit-down interview with Madeleine Duncan Brown and from that lengthy discussion the truth about exactly who was behind the assassination of JFK was exposed....
"It was a political crime for political power," said Brown as she highlighted how people who were set to testify against Johnson for indictment proceedings, related to illegal kickbacks Johnson was receiving from agriculture programs before the assassination, were mysteriously set-up in homosexual scandals or found dead having allegedly shot themselves five times in the head.
"Had the assassination not happened the day that it did, Lyndon Johnson would have probably gone to prison - they would have gotten rid of him - he was so involved with some of this," said Brown.
Having had her own (and LBJ's illegitimate) son and nanny disappeared by Johnson's hitmen after the assassination, and upon hearing of the strange deaths of many other people connected to the events in Dealy Plaza, Brown felt that she was safer out in the light and decided to let the world hear her story....
Part of the interview with Ms. Duncan is on the link.
As chronicled before by yours truly, I saw LBJ a few months later. He was riding in a bullet-proof limo down Peachtree Street. He had the door open and was waving to the crowd. I vividly recall the moment. A part of history. The closest I ever came to the President of the U.S. Ten feet away at the max.
Was he involved in the death of JFK? Or is this just another conspiracy theory?
It's almost Christmas. This song from the crooner
The night before the Kennedy assassination, Lyndon Baines Johnson met with Dallas tycoons, FBI moguls and organized crime kingpins - emerging from the conference to tell his mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown that "those SOB's" would never embarrass him again. It's a jaw-dropping deposition and it's the biggest JFK smoking gun there is - despite the fact that it has received little media attention.
Before her death on June 22 2002, prolific author and lecturer Robert Gaylon Ross had the opportunity to conduct an 80 minute sit-down interview with Madeleine Duncan Brown and from that lengthy discussion the truth about exactly who was behind the assassination of JFK was exposed....
"It was a political crime for political power," said Brown as she highlighted how people who were set to testify against Johnson for indictment proceedings, related to illegal kickbacks Johnson was receiving from agriculture programs before the assassination, were mysteriously set-up in homosexual scandals or found dead having allegedly shot themselves five times in the head.
"Had the assassination not happened the day that it did, Lyndon Johnson would have probably gone to prison - they would have gotten rid of him - he was so involved with some of this," said Brown.
Having had her own (and LBJ's illegitimate) son and nanny disappeared by Johnson's hitmen after the assassination, and upon hearing of the strange deaths of many other people connected to the events in Dealy Plaza, Brown felt that she was safer out in the light and decided to let the world hear her story....
Part of the interview with Ms. Duncan is on the link.
As chronicled before by yours truly, I saw LBJ a few months later. He was riding in a bullet-proof limo down Peachtree Street. He had the door open and was waving to the crowd. I vividly recall the moment. A part of history. The closest I ever came to the President of the U.S. Ten feet away at the max.
Was he involved in the death of JFK? Or is this just another conspiracy theory?
It's almost Christmas. This song from the crooner
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
"Don't Tase Me, Bro' one of the 'Top Ten Quotes of 2007'"
"Don't Tase Me, Bro," a phrase that swept the nation after a U.S. college student used it seeking to stop campus police from throwing him out of a speech by Sen. John Kerry, was named on Wednesday as the most memorable quote of 2007.
Fred R. Shapiro, the editor of the Yale Book of Quotations, said the plea made by University of Florida student Andrew Meyer on September 17, accompanied by Meyer's screams as he was tased, beat out the racial slur that cost shock jock Don Imus his job and the Iranian president's declaration that his country does not have homosexuals.
#2 was from Miss Teen South Carolina such as....
Third was Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's October comment at Columbia University in New York, "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."
Shock jock Don Imus comments about the Rutgers University women's basketball team: "That's some nappy-headed hos there," was fourth.
8. "(I have) a wide stance when going to the bathroom." -- Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig's explanation of why his foot touched that of an undercover policeman in a men's room.
The rest of the list is here:
P.S. To think John Kerry could have been the President is skerry. He stood by and did nothing while the student was being tasered. And why was the young kid being escorted out for asking questions? Free speech, eh? Yeah, right.
P.S.S. This is a funny video someone did on youtube. Hammertime? Hammer was so-nicknamed because of a resemblance to....Hammerin' Hank of the players coined the name when Hammer was a batboy for the Oakland A's.
P.S.S. Almost forgot the Christmas tune.
Fred R. Shapiro, the editor of the Yale Book of Quotations, said the plea made by University of Florida student Andrew Meyer on September 17, accompanied by Meyer's screams as he was tased, beat out the racial slur that cost shock jock Don Imus his job and the Iranian president's declaration that his country does not have homosexuals.
#2 was from Miss Teen South Carolina such as....
Third was Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's October comment at Columbia University in New York, "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."
Shock jock Don Imus comments about the Rutgers University women's basketball team: "That's some nappy-headed hos there," was fourth.
8. "(I have) a wide stance when going to the bathroom." -- Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig's explanation of why his foot touched that of an undercover policeman in a men's room.
The rest of the list is here:
P.S. To think John Kerry could have been the President is skerry. He stood by and did nothing while the student was being tasered. And why was the young kid being escorted out for asking questions? Free speech, eh? Yeah, right.
P.S.S. This is a funny video someone did on youtube. Hammertime? Hammer was so-nicknamed because of a resemblance to....Hammerin' Hank of the players coined the name when Hammer was a batboy for the Oakland A's.
P.S.S. Almost forgot the Christmas tune.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
"Christmas Time"
It's almost Christmas. So Golden Pond would like to do its part in supplying the spirit. Each day until the merry holiday on the 25th, the proprietor of these parts will include a Christmas song.
Tonite's first one will be a tune from back in the day. Must have been early sixties because the Catfish family had this one and it spun around the turntable at 45 rpm's. I do remember the 78 rpms. Brittle as grandma's peanut concoctions. Once as a young whiskersnapper, I accidentally stepped on "Robin Hood" riding through the glen by Nelson Riddle and his band. When listening after that, there was a distinct click every revolution. Pissed me off it did.
Speaking of tonite's singer, his movie "Roustabout" and one of my favorites is on the telly. So it's time to wrap ( pun ) this up.
And whatever happened to the "Jordanaires. Or is it Jordannaires?
P.S. Dear Bobby Petrino. Good luck at Arkansas. Offensive genius? Huh?
P.S.S. Rock, what happened to the Cowboys? The media was blaming Jessica Simpson for Romo's culpability in the loss? What's the scoop? Were you happy to see "The Tuna" leave Dallas? And do you every visit the grassy knoll? Or the depository? Conspiracy? And what about the Warren Report, eh?
Tonite's first one will be a tune from back in the day. Must have been early sixties because the Catfish family had this one and it spun around the turntable at 45 rpm's. I do remember the 78 rpms. Brittle as grandma's peanut concoctions. Once as a young whiskersnapper, I accidentally stepped on "Robin Hood" riding through the glen by Nelson Riddle and his band. When listening after that, there was a distinct click every revolution. Pissed me off it did.
Speaking of tonite's singer, his movie "Roustabout" and one of my favorites is on the telly. So it's time to wrap ( pun ) this up.
And whatever happened to the "Jordanaires. Or is it Jordannaires?
P.S. Dear Bobby Petrino. Good luck at Arkansas. Offensive genius? Huh?
P.S.S. Rock, what happened to the Cowboys? The media was blaming Jessica Simpson for Romo's culpability in the loss? What's the scoop? Were you happy to see "The Tuna" leave Dallas? And do you every visit the grassy knoll? Or the depository? Conspiracy? And what about the Warren Report, eh?
Monday, December 17, 2007
"Burger Queen?"
Interesting advertising ploy. Freak out? Le Chic?
P.S. These customers are pathetic. Give me back my Whopper! More evidence the world has gone mad.
P.S. These customers are pathetic. Give me back my Whopper! More evidence the world has gone mad.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
"Flaming Pie"
The title Flaming Pie (also given to one of the album's songs) is a reference to a humourous story John Lennon told journalists in 1961 on the origin of The Beatles' name when they became newly famous: "I had a vision that a man came unto us on a flaming pie, and he said, 'You are Beatles with an A.' And so we were." The album itself has a definitively Beatles flare to it; "The Song We Were Singing" was written about the Lennon/McCartney writing team
Thursday, December 13, 2007
"Don't Quit....Unless You're Bobby Petrino"
I've had some real asswholes as bosses. Briggs at Piccadilly comes to mind, and he definitely reminds me of Bobby Petrino, ex-Falcons coach who snuck away to Arkansas and then joined in on a "Wooo Sooie Pig" chant to engage the faithful.
How did the Falcons players feel about their ex fearless leader:
FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. -- Falcons players returned to practice Wednesday, the day after Bobby Petrino announced his resignation as head coach. Below is a sampling of the reaction to Petrino's sudden departure from the players he coached for 13 games this season.
"He was new to this [head coaching in the NFL], and I think he was just built to be a college coach."
"The key to success on this level is that guys want to have to play for you... He's coming in thinking that he needed to put the fear of God into someone, but that's not the case at this level. Maybe in college, but not at this level."
"We stood up there and took the arrows for him. He preached team, and he preached family; and then he quit on us. That's not what a man does."
"He lied to us. After the Monday night game [against the Saints], he said we all need to go home and take a look in the mirror, and see what we can do to make this team better. And then he left."
"It's kind of messed up. If he doesn't want to put the hard work into it, then I don't want him being my coach."
"To see him with the big Razorback behind him, smiling; to see his wife accepting flowers, like it was the Kentucky Derby, I got mad."
"He allowed us to be embarrassed on national television, while he's cutting a deal [with Arkansas]... We didn't realize we had a cancer on our team in the form of a head coach."
"While he was here, I didn't know too much about Petrino. He wasn't a player's type coach. [Former Arkansas Head Coach] Nutt was the type of coach you can call on a day-to-day basis. You look to him as a father-figure. I didn't feel that way with Coach Petrino."
"I hurt for our owner, who definitely expressed how hurt he was."
"When you stress to other men how you should act and what a man should do, when you put it up on the bulletin boards and hang it up on the wall, and then you don't live by it, it makes it look bad for you."
"I got a letter from him. To me, that shows no sign of respect. That's no lie to Mr. Blank the way he did, and the next day after the game the way he did. He short-changed us.
"I feel for our fans, because those are the people who suffer."
"I don't have anything to say to him [Petrino]. What do I need to say to him? Coach Petrino is the past, and Coach Thomas is the present."
"I've never seen anything so selfish like that ever in my life.
"When I got [Petrino's] letter this morning, I just threw it off my seat onto the ground and walked away. I wasn't going to read about what he says and how selfish he is."
"If you're going to preach being a team player, you have to BE a team player."
"For him just to quit on us like this - after him preaching 'don't ever quit' to us - it just doesn't make sense to me."
P.S. I never liked the asswhole. Reminded me too much of Briggs.
How did the Falcons players feel about their ex fearless leader:
FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. -- Falcons players returned to practice Wednesday, the day after Bobby Petrino announced his resignation as head coach. Below is a sampling of the reaction to Petrino's sudden departure from the players he coached for 13 games this season.
"He was new to this [head coaching in the NFL], and I think he was just built to be a college coach."
"The key to success on this level is that guys want to have to play for you... He's coming in thinking that he needed to put the fear of God into someone, but that's not the case at this level. Maybe in college, but not at this level."
"We stood up there and took the arrows for him. He preached team, and he preached family; and then he quit on us. That's not what a man does."
"He lied to us. After the Monday night game [against the Saints], he said we all need to go home and take a look in the mirror, and see what we can do to make this team better. And then he left."
"It's kind of messed up. If he doesn't want to put the hard work into it, then I don't want him being my coach."
"To see him with the big Razorback behind him, smiling; to see his wife accepting flowers, like it was the Kentucky Derby, I got mad."
"He allowed us to be embarrassed on national television, while he's cutting a deal [with Arkansas]... We didn't realize we had a cancer on our team in the form of a head coach."
"While he was here, I didn't know too much about Petrino. He wasn't a player's type coach. [Former Arkansas Head Coach] Nutt was the type of coach you can call on a day-to-day basis. You look to him as a father-figure. I didn't feel that way with Coach Petrino."
"I hurt for our owner, who definitely expressed how hurt he was."
"When you stress to other men how you should act and what a man should do, when you put it up on the bulletin boards and hang it up on the wall, and then you don't live by it, it makes it look bad for you."
"I got a letter from him. To me, that shows no sign of respect. That's no lie to Mr. Blank the way he did, and the next day after the game the way he did. He short-changed us.
"I feel for our fans, because those are the people who suffer."
"I don't have anything to say to him [Petrino]. What do I need to say to him? Coach Petrino is the past, and Coach Thomas is the present."
"I've never seen anything so selfish like that ever in my life.
"When I got [Petrino's] letter this morning, I just threw it off my seat onto the ground and walked away. I wasn't going to read about what he says and how selfish he is."
"If you're going to preach being a team player, you have to BE a team player."
"For him just to quit on us like this - after him preaching 'don't ever quit' to us - it just doesn't make sense to me."
P.S. I never liked the asswhole. Reminded me too much of Briggs.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
"Bobby Petrino Leaves Falcons"
It's been a bad year for the Falcons; and now it gets worse-the coach bolts and accepts the head coaching job at Arkansas. And after Arthur Blank told the Monday Night Football viewing audience that next year would be different. He had a committed coach and "moving forward" and yadi yadi yadi. Seems Arthur has been stood up at the prom again.
Personally, I think that Bobby Petrino found out that Atlanta is a different bird. [ pun unintended ] We, who toiled for years in this market, know it ain't nothing like Louisville....or Arkansas. Here are some comments from the comcast message bored:
That is a straight B!tch move. 3 more game in the season and you up and quit. ZERO class. he could have still taken the ARK job and finished off the season. He is a spinless B!tch.
This really should not come as a surprise to anyone. Bobby Petrino is a weasel that does not have any loyalty to anyone but himself. He meets with Auburn boosters when they are not happy with Tommy Tuberville. He leaves a Louisville team that he had built to go to the Falcons when Louisville looks like they were national championship contenders. He betrayed all of the Louisville players he had made promises to.
He tells the Falcons owner Arthur Blank that he is in it for the long haul but quits even though he has given his word that he will be back in 2008. I say good riddance and if I was an Arkansas fan, I would not make any long term plans with him as he will be gone when the next job come open.
YES I can blame him. He went on week after week trying to get the most out of his players. Trying to get them to buy into his system and give 100% effort. Then he leaves in the middle of the season!!! This guy is a classless jerk bullsh!tter, who quit on his team, and quit on the owner, who gave him one of the most coveted jobs in all of sports.
He deserves every bit of bad pub he gets on this one.
Petrino = Loser!!!!!
Bobby Petrino is a scumbag and I am glad he will not be smelling up the city of Atlanta.
P.S. The Rankin Smith family owned the club for many moons. Since the team's inception and until it was sold to Mr. Blank in 2003. Through those futile years of ineptitude personified, the Smiths were affectionately known as "The Clampetts." Conjures up images of: Yee doggies, double-naught spies and the cement pond. Wonder what delicacy Granny's a'conjuring up today? Eh?
Personally, I think that Bobby Petrino found out that Atlanta is a different bird. [ pun unintended ] We, who toiled for years in this market, know it ain't nothing like Louisville....or Arkansas. Here are some comments from the comcast message bored:
That is a straight B!tch move. 3 more game in the season and you up and quit. ZERO class. he could have still taken the ARK job and finished off the season. He is a spinless B!tch.
This really should not come as a surprise to anyone. Bobby Petrino is a weasel that does not have any loyalty to anyone but himself. He meets with Auburn boosters when they are not happy with Tommy Tuberville. He leaves a Louisville team that he had built to go to the Falcons when Louisville looks like they were national championship contenders. He betrayed all of the Louisville players he had made promises to.
He tells the Falcons owner Arthur Blank that he is in it for the long haul but quits even though he has given his word that he will be back in 2008. I say good riddance and if I was an Arkansas fan, I would not make any long term plans with him as he will be gone when the next job come open.
YES I can blame him. He went on week after week trying to get the most out of his players. Trying to get them to buy into his system and give 100% effort. Then he leaves in the middle of the season!!! This guy is a classless jerk bullsh!tter, who quit on his team, and quit on the owner, who gave him one of the most coveted jobs in all of sports.
He deserves every bit of bad pub he gets on this one.
Petrino = Loser!!!!!
Bobby Petrino is a scumbag and I am glad he will not be smelling up the city of Atlanta.
P.S. The Rankin Smith family owned the club for many moons. Since the team's inception and until it was sold to Mr. Blank in 2003. Through those futile years of ineptitude personified, the Smiths were affectionately known as "The Clampetts." Conjures up images of: Yee doggies, double-naught spies and the cement pond. Wonder what delicacy Granny's a'conjuring up today? Eh?
Monday, December 10, 2007
"What Is Barack Obamas Religion?"
My friend and ex-co-worker at a well known cafeteria chain-in the southeast, anyway-has an interesting article on Barack Obama on his web site, Hootsbuddy's Place.
I had the pleasure of talking with him today while he was at work. I thank him now for taking time from his busy day to "conversate" with me.
P.S. Michael Vick got his sentence today, a 23 months stay in prison. Terence Moore, a controversial sports writer for the Atlanta Journal Constitution, just made this comment on ESPN:
Question: Will Michael Vick ever play for the Atlanta Falcons again?
His answer: "The chance of Michael Vick returning to the Falcons is as likely as Atlanta changing the name of Peachtree Street."
I had the pleasure of talking with him today while he was at work. I thank him now for taking time from his busy day to "conversate" with me.
P.S. Michael Vick got his sentence today, a 23 months stay in prison. Terence Moore, a controversial sports writer for the Atlanta Journal Constitution, just made this comment on ESPN:
Question: Will Michael Vick ever play for the Atlanta Falcons again?
His answer: "The chance of Michael Vick returning to the Falcons is as likely as Atlanta changing the name of Peachtree Street."
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
"She Came In Through The Bathroom Window"
This song from Abbey Road reminds me of trudging to Smelling Hall [ an eatery on campus ( Truck U. ) ] and devouring all the goodies at my disposal. It was my first time away from home, so I was free from the authoritarian rule of my mother.
I could eat anything I wanted. Even got to put my choice of salad dressing on my salad. Mom liked french; I hated it. And to this day-no french for me.
Give me roquefort, er, bleu cheese or ranch. Sometimes thousand islands but never french. Arghhhhhhhh!
Life is a banquet, eh? v.c.
P.S. The Dawgs got screwed in the BCS. Hawaii? Truck U.
I could eat anything I wanted. Even got to put my choice of salad dressing on my salad. Mom liked french; I hated it. And to this day-no french for me.
Give me roquefort, er, bleu cheese or ranch. Sometimes thousand islands but never french. Arghhhhhhhh!
Life is a banquet, eh? v.c.
P.S. The Dawgs got screwed in the BCS. Hawaii? Truck U.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
"Git R Done!"
My e mail is on the fritz. Can't access it. Seems I received too many. Comcast had alerted me that I was living on the edge and to delete them. I ixsnade some of them but not enough. Evidently.
I was getting like 30-40 a day. Mostly spam ones. Need $1500.00? [ who doesn't ] And buy prescription drugs online. Etc.
Jeff Foxworthy was on Danny Deutsch's show tonight. How he quit his job at IBM and decided to become a comedian fulltime. While following-up on this intriguing story, I ran across this bit from Larry, the Cable Guy. Pretty funny.
I was getting like 30-40 a day. Mostly spam ones. Need $1500.00? [ who doesn't ] And buy prescription drugs online. Etc.
Jeff Foxworthy was on Danny Deutsch's show tonight. How he quit his job at IBM and decided to become a comedian fulltime. While following-up on this intriguing story, I ran across this bit from Larry, the Cable Guy. Pretty funny.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
"Liner Notes"
First published on Golden Pond November 28, 2004.
Remember the liner notes on l.p.'s. A little bonus for buying the record. My company's recipes have liner notes at the bottom which help sort out the complexities and nuances. A helping hand, if you will. Some of my favorite notes are republished here from July 2003. Submitted for your approval and perusal. Entitled re: Recipes/Hooterville. And here it is:
As for recipes, my favorite notes:
1) Au Jus: Should be the same color as coffee. ( Is this before or after a treatment of urn cleaner? )
2) Soft Rolls: If one falls on the floor, discreetly retrieve. Look for grit, hair, or any other foreign matter. [ includes critters ] Brush off against clothing or blow hard to remove. May be used for bread pudding if the above fails to remedy.
3) Roast Beef: Cook to an internal temperature of 130 degrees. Blood should ooze when slicing on the serving line.
4) Yellow Cake: Do not insert a toothpick in the middle of the cake to see if it's done. Only at home does this method work. And you are not at home. So whatever you do, don't use a toothpick. They are reserved for our paymasters leaving the establishment. ( a toothpick is a good sign. It means the paymaster enjoyed the food. )
5) Raspberry Argentine: When running this delectable gelatin with the fancy name, be prepared for guests, er, paymasters using your bathroom facilities a bit more during the course of the meal. Contains prunes, the organic laxative. Pink Floyd's 'just another brick in the stalls" would constitute a synchronistic occurrence. )
6) Fried Green Tomatoes: Should be 1/4 ripe. ( Who can determine 1/4 ripeness with a green tomato? )
7) Stewed Tomatoes: Buy day old bread from the Piggly Wiggly. Best value. Serve stewed tomatoes when your cook is feeling lethargic and not on top of his game. And you've run out of creative solutions to empty pans. WARNING: May become habit-forming.
8) Chop Beef Sardinia: Invented by Sandy Fajitas ( a legendary character ) back in the day. Mr. Food Cost. Also peruse the fresh kale recipe and leftover garnishes. Cooked and served after garnish pre-requisites have been met. Waste not; want not.
9) Milk: some guests, er....may be lactose intolerant. ( made that up: no one was lactose intolerant, back in the day ) And no one had acid reflux as well.
10) Diamonds and rust: You know what memories can bring; they bring diamonds and rust. Apologies to Joan Baez. Submitted for the bored's perusal. Back on the night train. Ready to crash and burn-I never learn.
Farewell and adieu, v.c.
P.S. The postscripts from the above post have been removed by request of me, the author.
Remember the liner notes on l.p.'s. A little bonus for buying the record. My company's recipes have liner notes at the bottom which help sort out the complexities and nuances. A helping hand, if you will. Some of my favorite notes are republished here from July 2003. Submitted for your approval and perusal. Entitled re: Recipes/Hooterville. And here it is:
As for recipes, my favorite notes:
1) Au Jus: Should be the same color as coffee. ( Is this before or after a treatment of urn cleaner? )
2) Soft Rolls: If one falls on the floor, discreetly retrieve. Look for grit, hair, or any other foreign matter. [ includes critters ] Brush off against clothing or blow hard to remove. May be used for bread pudding if the above fails to remedy.
3) Roast Beef: Cook to an internal temperature of 130 degrees. Blood should ooze when slicing on the serving line.
4) Yellow Cake: Do not insert a toothpick in the middle of the cake to see if it's done. Only at home does this method work. And you are not at home. So whatever you do, don't use a toothpick. They are reserved for our paymasters leaving the establishment. ( a toothpick is a good sign. It means the paymaster enjoyed the food. )
5) Raspberry Argentine: When running this delectable gelatin with the fancy name, be prepared for guests, er, paymasters using your bathroom facilities a bit more during the course of the meal. Contains prunes, the organic laxative. Pink Floyd's 'just another brick in the stalls" would constitute a synchronistic occurrence. )
6) Fried Green Tomatoes: Should be 1/4 ripe. ( Who can determine 1/4 ripeness with a green tomato? )
7) Stewed Tomatoes: Buy day old bread from the Piggly Wiggly. Best value. Serve stewed tomatoes when your cook is feeling lethargic and not on top of his game. And you've run out of creative solutions to empty pans. WARNING: May become habit-forming.
8) Chop Beef Sardinia: Invented by Sandy Fajitas ( a legendary character ) back in the day. Mr. Food Cost. Also peruse the fresh kale recipe and leftover garnishes. Cooked and served after garnish pre-requisites have been met. Waste not; want not.
9) Milk: some guests, er....may be lactose intolerant. ( made that up: no one was lactose intolerant, back in the day ) And no one had acid reflux as well.
10) Diamonds and rust: You know what memories can bring; they bring diamonds and rust. Apologies to Joan Baez. Submitted for the bored's perusal. Back on the night train. Ready to crash and burn-I never learn.
Farewell and adieu, v.c.
P.S. The postscripts from the above post have been removed by request of me, the author.
Monday, December 03, 2007
"Slapshot" Tastefully Vulgar?
Some consider this movie to be the best sports movie ever. Move over "Brian's Song;" "The Longest Yard;" and Ronald Reagan as the "Gipper."
According to the clip "Slapshot" was made for $6 million in 1977 and barely broke even. I saw it back then and laughed me arse off.
It does have salty language. But the Hanson Brothers and Strother Martin as the stingy G.M. along with Paul Newman make for a special treat.
The movie focuses on a fictitious "Federal League" team called the Charlestown Chiefs. The team, a perennial loser and in financial trouble due to mill closings in the town, is due to be folded at season's end.
Through the course of regular business, the team picks up the Hanson Brothers, violent goons with child-like mentalities. Reggie Dunlop, the veteran player-coach (played by Newman), perceiving them to be eccentric and unreliable, initially chooses not to play them. Finally, in a moment of desperation and passiveness, he brings the trio of thugs into the game to see what they can do. Their big open-ice hits and overly aggressive - bordering on homicidal - style of play is greatly praised by the fans in desperate need of something for which to cheer.
According to the clip "Slapshot" was made for $6 million in 1977 and barely broke even. I saw it back then and laughed me arse off.
It does have salty language. But the Hanson Brothers and Strother Martin as the stingy G.M. along with Paul Newman make for a special treat.
The movie focuses on a fictitious "Federal League" team called the Charlestown Chiefs. The team, a perennial loser and in financial trouble due to mill closings in the town, is due to be folded at season's end.
Through the course of regular business, the team picks up the Hanson Brothers, violent goons with child-like mentalities. Reggie Dunlop, the veteran player-coach (played by Newman), perceiving them to be eccentric and unreliable, initially chooses not to play them. Finally, in a moment of desperation and passiveness, he brings the trio of thugs into the game to see what they can do. Their big open-ice hits and overly aggressive - bordering on homicidal - style of play is greatly praised by the fans in desperate need of something for which to cheer.
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